About SWAT

Each year, the SouthWest Association of Turners (SWAT) holds one of the largest woodturning symposiums in the world. In 2014, over 800 attendees enjoyed this wonderful event.  SWAT is an all-volunteer organization which allows us to keep the price affordably low.  Our symposium features internationally and nationally recognized turners, as well as talented regional turners selected from the 26 clubs comprising SWAT.  The 2021 symposium will be held in August at the Waco Convention Center, 100 Washington Avenue, Waco, Texas (http://www.wacocvb.com/conv.asp).  The SWAT Symposium has something of interest for every Woodturner.

The symposium Features:

1.    An Instant Gallery where attendees may display up to 10 art pieces of their work (some of which will be for sale).

2.    The Saturday evening banquet is highlighted with a raffle of beautiful turned pieces.

3.    A second raffle, using the same tickets, will be held during Sunday lunch. This raffle includes 1 full size lathe, three midi lathes, plus a large assortment of woodturning tools and accessories.

4.    Around forty-five vendors will be on site selling equipment and supplies at very competitive and usually discounted prices.

5.    Lunches are provided during the three-day event for paid attendees.

6.    In addition to the demonstrations, a number of Special Interest Group sessions are planned.

7.    The large Hands On – Beginning turning, Pen Turning, and Tool Sharpening  - areas will be provided where attendees have the opportunity to hone their skills, to try out new tools, obtain one-on-one coaching, or just make some shavings.

9.    We encourage attendees to bring their spouse as SWAT will have a full agenda of activities where the ladies can sign up for special classes.  

Visit the Demonstrator pages to see the list of demonstrators that we have scheduled this year.  

We hope to see you in Waco!


SWAT 2024